Hjem Op


"Implicate Order" and the Good Life

Ib Ravn

Table of Contents
(Pagination refers to the printed version, available from UMI)

Acknowledgements iii
Abstract iv

1 Introduction: The Research Opportunity 1
1.1 The Theme 1
1.2 The Research Opportunity 2
1.3 Applying an Ontological Concept in the Human World 4
1.4 Overview of the Argument 7

2 David Bohm on the Implicate Order in Ontology, Physics, Epistemology and Human Existence 12
2.1 Introduction 12
2.2 The Interpretation of the Quantum Theory 13
2.3 In Search of a New Ontology 20
2.4 Order and the Image of the Glycerine Device 23
2.5 Wholeness and the Image of the Hologram 29
2.6 Movement and the Image of a River with Vortices 36
2.7 The Implicate Order in Quantum Physics 44
2.8 Knowledge, Science, Mind and Experience 50
2.9 Bohm on Ending Fragmentation in Life and Society: A Critique 55
2.10 Summary and Conclusions 62

3 From the Physical World to the Human World: The Unfoldment of the Implicate Flux 66
3.1 Introduction 66
3.2 Evolution as the Unfoldment of Explicate Forms from the Implicate Flux 67
3.3 Flux and Implicate Order in Biological Systems 72
3.4 Perception and the Construction of Objective Reality 79
3.5 Decision Making: A Holographic Theory 87
3.6 Symbolism and Interpretation: Abstracting Concepts from the Flux 100
3.7 The Social Context of Human Experience 107
3.8 Summary and Conclusions 113

4. Implicate Order in Experience and Valuation 117
4.1 Introduction 117
4.2 The Organization as a Hologram: A Critical Review 118
4.3 The Question of the Good 129
4.4 The Naturalistic Fallacy 132
4.5 Brain Order, Decisions, and Values 142
4.6 Whole-in-Part and Perspectivism in Implicate Order 150
4.7 The Unity and Diversity Experiences 156
4.8 The Unity and Diversity Valuations 167
4.9 Summary and Conclusions 175

5. The Experience of Unity-in-Diversity and the Good Life: A Matrix 180
5.1 Introduction 180
5.2 The Unity and Diversity Experiences Combined: A Matrix 182
5.3 The Matrix Applied Interpersonally 190
5.4 Care and Commitment 198
5.5 Attachment and Meaning 202
5.6 Personal Good and Social Good 211
5.7 Using the Unity-Diversity Matrix 215
5.8 Summary and Conclusions 224

6. Conclusions 228
6.1 Introduction 228
6.2 Summary of the Argument 229
6.3 The Critique of Bohm Revisited 235
6.4 Evaluation of the Unity-Diversity Matrix 241
6.5 Evaluation of the Argument from Ontology to Values 250
6.6 Further Research: The Neurophysiological Basis of the Unity-in-Diversity Exerience 257
6.7 "Shooting the Breeze in Well-Heated Offices": A Final Note 266

Appendix: What Should Guide Reality Construction? - Values and Implicate Order in Social Research 268
A.1 Introduction 268
A.2 The Values Problem in Cybernetic Constructivism: A Review 270
A.3 The Implicate Order 275
A.4 Reality Construction and the Implicate Order 277
A.5 Finding Normative Guidance in the Implicate Order 280
A.6 A Model of the Good Life 283
A.7 Using the Model 287
A.8 Social Research: A Reality-Constructive Activity in Need of Values 290
A.9 Summary and Conclusions 296

Bibliography 300